The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133153
Posted By: Two_bears
10-Mar-04 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Well, sure -- but one? Or several trillion of them?   The universe could just as well be an average of projected illusions being put in place by every spirit that ever walked, flew or swam through, as it could be the byproduct of one Giant Being's instant impulse. I ain't saying it is one or the other, but let's not get locked into any fixed ideas here!

    There are too many things right for human existence for human life to occur to all be an accident.

    There is fresh air to breathe in the right range. water is not poisoinous and can sustain life, temperature ranges are in acceptable ranges. If the earth was closer to the sun, we would burn, too far away, and we would freeze. The moon is at the exact size and distance to completely cover the sun in a total eclipse, and hundreds of other things that we need for life as we know it to exist. animals and plants to eat, vitamins and minerals, etc that keep us healthy.

    About now; someone is saying but what about evolution?

    I believe in micro evolution (beings evolving to be taller. have an opposible thumb, improving intelect. etc.

    I do NOT believe in macro evolution (evolution causing beings to transmute into other species. If we descended from monkeys. why are there still monkeys?

Two Bears