The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133210
Posted By: C-flat
10-Mar-04 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Like most people of middle-age, I was given, and accepted, religious education at school and was turned out to Sunday school because it was expected. My faith was unquestioned untill I was a young man, at which point I discovered other interests, as young men do, and never really thought about matters of faith for many years.
In our modern world, science seemed to hold all the best cards and it seemed that we were on the verge of discovering the big truth with the advent of space travel and atomic science.
More recently I'm rediscovering a kind of faith, although my colours aren't nailed to any mast in particular, and what science I have read of late seems only to point more and more to there being some sort of plan or structure to the creation of the universe and what life it holds.
Take a look at this site for an example of how deep the structure runs.