The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133352
Posted By: Two_bears
10-Mar-04 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
A nice 'poetic' trick made me smile: For creation to exist; there MUST be a Creator:
To use the word 'creation' instead of a more neutral term like kosmos lead to this spurious argument.

    It is NOT a spurious argument. It is logical. What caused the uncaused first cause? What caused the big bang if you accept that theory?

    Which came first? the Ford Mustang, or the person or team of people that designed it?

    Looking at the world and the vast number of things required to sustain life; I believe Earth, and the things on Earth are created.

good theory how it happens. In reality, when for instance scientists gather a bit of what one of those Brazilian 'doctors' gets out of the body of a patient, it turns out to be chicken intestines.

    You're wrong. Joao De Deus is NOT in the group of frauds you mentioned.

    1. He has treated more than 11 million people in the last 30+ years.
    2. He refuses payment
    3. there are 139 documented cases where people have been cured of aids.
    4. Quite often he removes tumors weighing up to 5 pounds and more. difficult to palm that.
    5. There are lots of surgeries recorded on video tape.
    6. He does healings every week at the house of Dom Ignatius outside Abadiania (not sure of the spelling) Brazil. All the skeptical scientists would need to do is watch closely and video tape the surgeries then watch the tape in sow motion to see if he is a fraud.

    What are they afraid of? Being proven wrong, and shown the world does not work the way they think it does?