The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133359
Posted By: Two_bears
10-Mar-04 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
I have SEEN a video of the way the trick is done! It is exactly like a good magic show, involving plastic bags, arrangement of sheets,

    I too have seen videos showing the alleged psychic surgeons in the Philapines.

    Since when are all psychic surgeons to be judged by the action of a few?

    Since when with the Unamazing Randi or other magicians demonstrating ONE way it COULD be done via trickery actually mean the healers do things by trickery.

ummmm...because only a few early monkeys evolved...or needed to. The changes necessary to cause mutation are *random*, and do not happen

    If you believe that; I have a bridge to sell you.

to every individual! Same reason you can put a snake on an island and come back in a million years and find a very different snake with different adaptations.

    BUT it would STILL be a snake! I already said that I believe in micro evolution (to adapt to one's environment).

Two Bears