The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133384
Posted By: Bill D
10-Mar-04 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
"If you believe that; I have a bridge to sell you."

This is not a matter of belief anymore...or shouldn't be. The mechanisms of evolution have been worked out and tested and are accepted and studied widely now. DNA is showing us more & more detail of what the exact links were.
What you call "macro evolution" is only a longer and more complex example of 'micro'....2 billion years ago, there NO species to speak of. 135 million years ago, there were almost no species after the Permian destruction (95% of everything was destroyed). 65 million years ago, 80% of the species that evolved AFTER the Permian destruction were destroyed. (The death of the dinosaurs)...Then, 40-50 thousand years ago, most of OUR direct ancestors were culled by ice ages and other environmental problems down to probably only a few thousand individuals...the monkeys were, by that time, on an entirely different track.

so...I hope you have a good deal on that bridge. I could use one to stay above the really deep stuff down here in the BS threads..*grin*