The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1133511
Posted By: kendall
10-Mar-04 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
I had a woman friend who was much younger than I, and one day she asked me if I had any idea why she couldn't maintain a relationship. (She went from one asshole to another). I gave her this advice. "Stop screwing around with boys and find yourself a man." Shortly afterwards, she took up with a guy 10 years her senior, and they have been married for about 20 years now.

Another piece of advice I have given my three daughters and numerous youmg women: If you are attracted to a man, make sure he doesn't try to make you dress as he wants you to.Find out as soon as you can how he feels about cats. If he hates cats, run like a bandit, he is a control freak. Watch how he treats his mother and waitresses, because that is how he will treat you sooner or later.

The number one thing to look for in a man is respect. If he does not respect you before you get involved, he sure as hell wont respect you afterwards.

People make two major mistakes in relationships'
1. A woman sees the flaws in her prospective mate, but, she deludes herself into thinking, "Thats ok, I'll change him." BS!!

A man sees this lovely young firm body and thinks she will always be young and pretty. BS!! Time, gravity and children will have something to say about that.

Now, when the passion cools off, which it must, and the wrinkles start to show, you better have something besides horny to fall back on. And, the only firm foundation is Respect and genuine friendship.

That will be $100.00 please.