The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67653   Message #1133557
Posted By: Bobert
10-Mar-04 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dating Behaviour - am I out of touch ?
Well gol danged! What we got going here? The Mudcat Dating game, 'er what? Don't answer that...

Hmmmmm? Relationships between "mature" folks? Now here is a real crap shoot 'cause by the time that folks decide they are mature adults they are also gettin' purdy danged stuck in their "mature adult" ways. I mean, ahhhh, they is some purdy danged quirky folks!....

This ain't 'bout sex 'er nuthin' 'cause by this "mature adult" stage of our lives we know, or should know, lots 'bout that subject...

But quirks? Whew... I mean just look around this joint. You see any normal people? I rest my case...

But it ain't totally hopeless if ya got two folks whose love can get them to do what younger folks do so easily: listen and compromise! That's the secret. And make a deal from the outset that if there is any one issue that either of you feel "balls to the wall" about that the other will "capitulate", unless of course, it's like wanting to have sex with their X, with you watching... That's out of the question....

But..... listen and compromise....

The rest will take care of itself.
