The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67360   Message #1133716
Posted By: breezy
11-Mar-04 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: Setlists: How do you decide the order?
Subject: RE: Setlists: How do you decide the order?
so its only the folkies that go out fighting now!

A set should leave the audience wanting more, 6/7 songs max.

as steve tilston said 'you can have a surfeit'

and shakespeare too!

if you want to sell Cds the best time is in the interval, so sell yourself in the 1st set, the audience will be with you from then on in.

Harvey's point 'the 1st 30 secs'

Contrast with previous performer's song/tune then contrast your numbers to maintain interest

Have a repertoire of at least 300 songs to pick from.

Change your position, stand -sit, appearance ,colour of shirt for 2nd set??