The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1133733
Posted By: *daylia*
11-Mar-04 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Boab, I've known Two Bears for about 8 literally miracle-filled months now. I had the pleasure of attending his HUNA workshop in Atlanta with Little Hawk last Nov. TWo Bears is not only the most remarkable and compassionate man I have ever had the privilege of meeting, he is a bona-fide Master of several of the martial and energetic healing arts, a fine and generous teacher, a gifted psychic and a true friend.

(He also plays the NA flute most entrancingling, and will give you 'phone concerts' on a moments notice!)

If you like what he said here, you're absolutely gonna LOVE his website! "HUNA 101" gifts it's readers with the basics of HUNA (ancient Hawai'ian spiritual philosophy/psychology/energetic techniques).


Putting the simple techniques found in HUNA 101 to practice in your daily life is VERY likely to change you permanently! You will discover how to master your own health and destiny, how to manifest your needs and desires, how to work in harmony with the subconscious and superconscious aspects of your mind to achieve your highest purposes and goals in life! You will begin to realize, in a most practical and and "provable" way, the sacredness and power of Who and What you really are!

Now, if all this just fills anyone with the urge to run and hide, or maybe to sit safely on the sidelines and throw verbal potshots at him in an attempt to condemn, ridicule or discredit who he is, what he does and the truths he shares .... well, that's the most common "knee-jerk" reaction he encounters anyway. He deals successfully with it every day of his life, so don't worry - no matter what you say or do, he's just gonna go right ahead and love you anyway!

Aloha nui loa,
