The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1134170
Posted By: Bill D
11-Mar-04 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
daylia...the evolution debate has come down to the scientists who have the bones, the sediments, the chemical analysis, the DNA, the radioactive decay calibration...etc...against those who, 'usually' on religious grounds, say "so what? I don't accept that you have proved anything."...In my view, those with physical evidence do have "direct first-hand experience"..I don't have to go do the same research myself to have confidence in their findings.(even though many details are still missing, the basic structure of evolution is now well documented and understood.

Do you have some evidence to the contrary that I am missing? I am not sure what you WOULD consider "compelling evidence" if all those skeletons and careful dating of changes do not convince you. We have taken photos of Earth from orbit, but there are still a few folks who declare it non-compelling and state that is is obvious that the Earth is flat....I don't know what to say...*shrug*...

I am convinced that science is pretty much right about the basics--and many of the details-- about evolution; enough to bet that the future will only bring more confirmation. I have no personal interest in the truth being this way or that way--I am not publishing papers or selling anything to museums. I just look at the growing body of knowlege and compare it to the arguments of those who disagree and see no contest.

Amos--" It will hit on your own terms when it hits." I guess so...whatever "it" is....If I DO have an experience that startles me, I will sure want to know why. But I want that surprise to come in spite of my scepticism. Maybe I oughta go to Brazil and get some of these aches & pains healed.


Little Hawk...though you don't address me directly, I gather from the context that you class me as an "insecure incarnated soul" (imagine raised eyebrows here)...I don't exactly identify with either part of that. I am just a guy who thinks he is here for one trip and wants to make the best of it. Durn thing is, if I am right, I don't even get to say "I told you so!"