The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67727   Message #1134281
Posted By: Peace
11-Mar-04 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: I-Q test websites are they a con?
Subject: RE: BS: I-Q test websites are they a con?
OK, I treat IQ tests with the same sense of floccinaucinihilipilification (often spelled floccinoccinihilipilification) that Jeri does. I figure if you have the brains to take one voluntarily, and then don't have the good sense to cheat, what the heck good are ya anyway?

pdq: I'm waiting for Bush to see that if he puts one WMD on the first square, two on the second, four on the third . . . . then he will be able to justify the war he started to the people who are payin' for it in both blood and cash. My dislike of President Bush is not that he's a little dim or socially inept (I am both those things and it don't bother me none; rather, I dislike his neocon agenda because it will hijack democracy and enslave six billion people. He willingly shills for these despicable bastards, pimps for them. I don't hold him in very high regard.