The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67762 Message #1134366
Posted By: Peace
11-Mar-04 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Subject: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
This place rocks. The music threads are helpful, the posters are clever, and the people are friendy. The BS threads cover everything under the sun and a few things over the moon. I've been coming here for about a half year, and I still think it's the best site on the whole darn net. I've made some friends I'll probably never get to meet, but I know some of them really well. I've met some old friends and we have touched base again. I have come here looking for assiatance with various things (my ampersand, how to do this or that on the computer) and someone helped. Seen people on good and bad days, and things get straightened out. People have a sense of humour and a sense of fun.