The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67761   Message #1134420
Posted By: Janie
11-Mar-04 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Dysfunction or Non-function
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Dysfunction or Non-function
Loss of libido is a very common side effect of many of the SSRI antidepressants, and erectile dysfunction is not uncommon. If medically appropriate, our psychiatrists will sometimes prescribe Viagra to treat the erectile dysfunction. Loss of libido is extremely common with women. I do not know if it occurs at the same rate in men or not. Maybe Mark Cohen will check in on this thread and perhaps know about that. I'm sure that many medications used for all kinds of medical conditions may also have sexual side effects.

Loss of libido can also be a SYMPTOM of depression!

And certainly stress, fatique, relationship issues, alone or in any combination, can effect libido and mood.

I make the following general recommendations.

The first thing to try is to reduce stress and fatique by practicing good self-care--getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising or stretching, etc. These are all things we have direct control over and can decide to change. Maybe our particular circumstance prevents doing it all perfectly, but we can always find ways to take somewhat better care of ourselves. And it is a sure bet that when people get stressed good self-care is the first thing to go! Partners can help each other out with this, by taking good care of one another. Simple things like being kind and practicing common courtesy. Helping out a little more with the kids or the chores. Giving foot rubs or non-sexually demanding massages. This can have the added benefit of improving the relationship, which can improve the libido.

The logical next step is for both partners to get medically evaluated to eliminate physical or iatrogenic causes. Both partners should do this instead of just the person who has lost their libido. This empowers joint ownership of the issue, both problem AND solution.

If both partners have done all of the above to no avail, then it is time to consider professional marital counseling or therapy.

Hope this is helpful.
