The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67762 Message #1134490
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
12-Mar-04 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Subject: RE: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
I found it by accident looking up some song info. Never ever joined a chat room before either. I was made to feel welcome so I came back.
I have found a great bunch of mostly open minded people from whose threads I have been learning a lot and whose collective knowledge is astounding.
Now I wake up and before I start work I visit the room and meet with some really great people. Sort of sets me up for the day.
Though I can go to the pub for a beer, a session and a chat; Mudcat keeps me connected as we foreigners are a distinct minority here in China.
I look forward to meeting some of the UK catters on a visit in June/July.