The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67752   Message #1134540
Posted By: pavane
12-Mar-04 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: Tech: It's finally here - HARMONY 3.2.7
Subject: RE: Tech: It's finally here - HARMONY 3.2.7
Oh yes, the other important change is that 'Edit as abc' option is restored, in improved (I hope) form. The program action is to EXPORT the current tune to abc format, and present it as a text file for editing. It will then re-import to replace the tune in memory, unless you cancel the changes.

Note that it has to re-parse the abc because of changes made.

ALSO: You can now select several (non-contiguous) notes or groups of notes, which can be copied to the clipboard and pasted as a single phrase. Done by the usual method of holding down the SHIFT key as you select.

For details of other changes and bug fixes, see What's New in the Help.