The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67594   Message #1134668
Posted By: Cuilionn
12-Mar-04 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: oral tradition - 'celtic' singing in usa
Subject: RE: oral tradition - 'celtic' singing in usa
Ane guid resource for consultation in the "Virginia Highlands" wuid be Dr. Michael Newton, a scholar & Scottish Gaelic speaker whae teaches some "Celtic Studies" courses at a university in Richmond, VA. He wis the host/convener o a November 2003 conference on the legacy o Scottish immigrants in the USA, an Ah'm sure the subjects o Irish & Scots-Irish influence were touched on as weel, seein as how they're weel-entanglit wi the rest o the tale. He micht be able tae direct ye tae Welsh/Breton/Cornish/Manx/Galician resources as weel.

There's alsae a group o Welsh language/culture/music students & devotees in Roanoke, but Ah'm no sairten how ye'd track 'em doon.

Och, an if ye ever happen tae come up tae Maine, aiblins Ah cuid set up a session or ceilidh wi some o the Celtic folk in this area. Ah ken a Cornish concertina player, a few singers o Scots, Scottish Gaelic, & Irish Gaelic, & ithers whae ken tunes an sangs frae Brittany & Wales, plus pipers o every description!

Best o luck wi yir ain sessions, sang circles, & ceilidhs!
