The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67762   Message #1134748
Posted By: Fossil
12-Mar-04 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Subject: RE: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
It's that subtle air of weirdness that emanates from the computer every time the Mudcat is up... it's being able to post to a site where at least some of the readers might know what "emanates" means... it's getting information about everything you could ever need to know about the world of Nearly Acoustic... it's talking about guitars with people you will probably never meet (but would like to)... it's the enthralling adventures of rodents, chimps, penguins, manatees and campers at Drumcree... it's a bunch of asskickin' Nixonite rednecks mixed up with hairy-armpitted dykes, beardy-weirdy folkniks, sailors, cat-lovers, dog-lovers, Shatner-lovers, sex fiends, people who sing with fingers in the ear, bodhran owners and squatters under the porch. It's more real than real life, sometimes...