The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1134785
Posted By: Amos
12-Mar-04 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
Scientists are no more infallible than the Pope


You miss the entire thrust of science with this remark. Even granting that scientist-type folks can become authoritarian and even priestlike, the entire confrontation over the years since Galileo muttered "Nevertheless, it moves!" on his way out of court has been because science asserted knowledge could be acquired without rreliance on authority. Science is the buy-no-BS trail, the rebels' option in many ways, because it asserts that anyone can test anything and get results and conclusions that can be replicated whether authority blesses them or no. The Pope does not ask for replicability to support his assertions, nor does he invite testing --even to those who see him as compassionate, he is the ultimate in authoritarian modes of knowing.