The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13558   Message #113501
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
11-Sep-99 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: The Return of Blake Madison
Subject: RE: The Return of Blake Madison
I took a long, hot shower. I usually sing in the shower, but not this time. I could smell the savory aroma of sausage, onion and peppers being fried, and I could hear Serita singing as she cooked, singing with a strong and sultry voice." If you don't want my peaches
please don't shake my tree"
When I got out of the shower, I found a clean linen suit and shirt spread out on the bed. "Figured you could use some clean clothes. Those were my ex's," she said. The label said Giorgio Armani . "He had good taste" I said. "Nice name, Washington. That yours or his?" She walked into the bedroom, drying a plate with a dishtowel."Mine," she said." I'm mixed race, you know. Pop was Black and Irish, Grandpa was all black." I smiled," It's a nice combination. Funny thing, I'm on some business concerning a man named Washington. Ever hear of Three Hands Washington?" Her eyes showed surprie. "That's Uncle Robert. My Pop said he was Grandpa's cousin.He died last week..." She gave me a very suspicious look." Say, what kind of business are you in?" I met her gaze. "I'm a private detective. I'm trying to find out who killed him." She smiled." Then I'll do anything I can to help. Starting with dinner..."

Dinner was delicious, and so was the bottle of Cabernet we shared. We spent the day in her place. At 8;30 I said a reluctant goodbye, making my way to the Honey DO Club.. I ordered a Four Roses at the bar, and found myself sitting next to the kid I had heard playing guitar that morning. "Hey," I said. " Heard you playing earlier. Song by Bobby Washington?" He looked up from his Dixie beer." Cabbage Alley. You a fan of his?" "You said that song was claimed by someone else?" I asked. He lit a Pall Mall. "Right. It was stolen from him by Todd Shafter. You know, the lead guitar player for The Plum Roses. He took that one and about five others Bobby wrote back in the Forties, copyrighted and recorded them. Three Hands never got a dime. Those songs and a lot of other classic blues songs were pirated by Shafter and Cannibal Records." He stubbed out the smoke." Now Three Hands is dead in an alley, and Shafter and people like him are sitting in mansions and counting their blood money." He downed his beer. "Ain't no justice in this world. Nice talkin' to you. I gotta go back on stage."