The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67787   Message #1135064
Posted By: George Seto -
12-Mar-04 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: Tech: PDAs
Subject: RE: Tech: PDAs
Hi, Mrs Duck.

I've used Palm & Clones for several years now. Currently I am on my 5th PDA, a Sony Clie, with the Memory Stick. One MAJOR piece of software I highly recommend is Documents to Go.

Half of my usage is for the Datebook section to keep track of birthdays.

The next major usage is for lyrics. I had maintained several 3 ring binders of songs to the point of unwieldiness. They are all maintained in Word documents. When I saw that I could use and compress all of these into the PDA with Documents to Go, I was all for it.

For Mudcatters, there are two programs of great use for tune learning.

PalmABC will allow you to enter and listen to ABC tunes on the Palm.

Noter is a Music Edit program to allow one to enter tunes, transpose them and play them with varying tempos.

There are a lot of Music oriented programs for the Palm.