The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67762   Message #1135068
Posted By: Bill D
12-Mar-04 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Subject: RE: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Mudcat is simply one of the best 'sources' I know...of music, of banter, of knowlege of LOTS of stuff, of ideas, of escape, of togetherness, and of fascinating nonsense's a window to parts of the world I'll never see, and a guide to things I never knew I need to know until I came here. I was one of the first 20-30 people to post here, over 7 years ago, and it was a great place until 'spaw let loose with his first gaseous emission!...and strangely, it remained great even after!

I have met folks I bever would have known otherwise, and some of them...(about 15-20 so far) have stayed at my house when in the area...

Kinda changes you to add that much good, new stuff to life at my age!