The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67761   Message #1135183
Posted By: GUEST,also there!
12-Mar-04 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual Dysfunction or Non-function
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual Dysfunction or Non-function
Thank you so much to Allan for starting this thread and to all who have posted.
Especially to 'Grateful Reader' and to you 'Been there'.
I am in the exactly the same situation. We don't touch, we don't share intimacy in any form anymore. That has been 3 years and for the 2 previous to that a dwindling interest. Resulting for me in meds for depression and anxiety. I love to be intimate and I touch and hug and kiss as a natural response to people I love and like
We have talked and talked but to no avail. Always the same answer "it isn't you, I love you. it's me"
So here I am with someone I love but I have never been so lonely in my Life!
Like Grateful Reader, we too are best of Friends and He is so good to me in so many other areas of our Life but......I am unhappy!
No meds involed with Him, or illness thank goodness or alcohol, no dysfunction either, just absolutely no desire to be intimate!
What to do thanks....a short brief sexual experience isn't the issue, if only that would solve it...... So...Ill keep reading here and hope that maybe something will jump off the screen. After all you cannot act for another when the act has to come from them. You cannot approach because the rejection is just too painful!
Thank you so much again for starting this thread Allan, I am very relieved to know I'm not alone.