The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67753   Message #1135364
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Mar-04 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Costa Terror
Subject: RE: BS: Costa Terror
George Washington was a terrorist as well as William Wallace & Stonewall Jackson & Gen Sherman. Some even claimed Nelson Mandela as a treat & an enemy to the South African government. History constantly shows that the terrorist is on the losing end & doesn't have their God on their side as they're figurehead. The past week or so is the first time I've heard mention of "root causes". For a year no one has given attention to why terrorism exist. In past posts I've mentioned plenty about treating the causes & not the symptoms. The US does not give a damn about the peoples of the mid east. Bush couldn't find his way past a barroom door never mind create or even read a road map. I truthfully think that the US wants complete control of the whole region & the rest of the matter is just smoke being blown up our asses. The US has been doing their best to block any constructive or positive move made by all countries of the area for years except for Israel. Over there they can't under stand why we'll go after Saddam or Iran for supposed possession of WMD when we turn a blind eye to Israel. Were the Indians, the Irish or the Scottish at blame for how the English colonized where they weren't welcome. Were the Native Americans the enemy because we wanted their land & resources that we knew we could take by any means necessary. There's more to terrorism than bombs, economic sanctions, buying off the little countries to force there hands into decisions that they otherwise wouldn't have chosen, the backing & putting in place puppet regimes & the deposing of governments that are not operating in our best interests. As far as the countries of the Middle East hating us, duh. It's not a racial, cultural or a religious hatred of us. Straight out, we're the biggest bully in the schoolyard & now were catching hell for it.