The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67762 Message #1136149
Posted By: GUEST,Shlio (a regular lurker, not-so-regular post
14-Mar-04 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Subject: RE: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
For everyone with thoughts on folk or blues For those who feel isolated in a world of pop For them wanting to discuss recent news Or simply wanting to blow their top If they want the words to archaic tunes Or to know where they can go to perform If they're under the influence of dubious fumes (This seems to happen often - most people blame Spaw) For those who can debate with equal strength Twelve-string guitars, Shatner and freds.
Come all but be warned, there's no turning back From the creeping insidious joy of Mudcat.
I think I found Mudcat in one of the strangest ways. A simple search on Google (I can't remember what for) and I found myself on the Mother of all BS Threads. A bizarre introduction, but I decided to stick around to make sure that none of those people lived near me! It was definitely worth it - I've discovered a whole community that I had no idea existed.