The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67858   Message #1136570
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
14-Mar-04 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: Welcome New Member - Mazz9339
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member - Mazz9339
heloo max=ps thanks for making mudcat, its really nice, [my fabourtite imternet site], you can see all about music, and talk to nice peeople, and somtimeses meet them etc, really nice, you did a good job making this site.john
and thats my opinoin .john

ps-some people dont like it [see thread 2why i donty like mudcat". but if they dont like it, waht they doing here for then!
i know, they just stupids, and trying toi make troubblee, [just ingore them, they judt wankers trying to make trouble[
ps = i work in a curry ship in hull, = 1 customer awalayws complains ="your curry is no good, and take tpo,long for delivery etc"

[moany basterd],
i told him ="dont bloody order afain then, arshole, you are just moany basterd, just fuk off and dont order anymore, you are banneed, so just get lost, [i give hoim a big shouting, becusae he pisses me off].

anyway=few years ago , i ran a pub, and i wass a chef there and some moany bastard [hes called ian from the tax place], always moaning., i told him to fuckk off as well],
and he came baxk again the next time.,, i said 2waht you doing here then, you banned, monay basterd, then he got feed up, and serves him right, [i woulden't serve him , i said "I dont cook food for wanjers like you!, [he was called ian], moany people piss me off, [ you work hard all day and they just moan]
anyway he says "if you dont serve me, i report you to weights and mesures people, see if youre 8 oz steak is really 8oz"
i says ok, report me to anyone ypou like, and you got 1 minit to get out of here, or i kick your arse silly basterd and dont bloody mess with me, asshole.
ps= i kiked him out, and i never herad from the weigtts and measures people, and i threw something at him, on his way out, [serbes him right], i [it was one of them things you put undrer your plate, [a plate swqquare thing], [it dident hit him, it hoit the door]
[like a big coaster, but for plates, place mat?
dont knoew waht its called, big squrea thing.john