The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67858   Message #1136588
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
14-Mar-04 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: Welcome New Member - Mazz9339
Subject: RE: Welcome New Member - Mazz9339
id not called casoters [i tyhink], its for dinners, cassoters id for drinkjs]

anyway, he shout something wehen i knick him out like =
"weihjts and measures people are coming here!"

i just told him shut up and get out, amyway= thats all he could think of= [he was a tax inspeter, so obviuousluyly we was paying all the right tax, [it was not my pub, i was just runing it for someone, and he was doing the books on the wet side, and i was doing the kitchen.

we got nothing to hide or wurry about, [obibously if your customers is tax inspectors you cant do any fiddles [you can do a bit, ie- put the ex penses up a bit], but mainly it was all ok.

any way, i had a big argue with him, i sayd " why dont you be a traffic warden , you arshole?"

tax people are rubbissh, think they bloody great, its only a job, i could do that, [10 year old kid could do it!]
think they bloody great.john