The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67583   Message #1136828
Posted By: Moses
15-Mar-04 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: El Greko 4th CD launch: 'Life As Usual'
Subject: RE: El Greko 4th CD launch: 'Life As Usual'
Faffle tickets.... FAFFLE TICKETS!! Is that, like .. tickets to hear you faff-about Breezy? - if so...... we usually get that without having to buy tickets.

I'll be there with my bit of carpet or wad of newspapers to put under my feet to ward off the stone floor coldness.

In all other respects it looks to be a hot night with or without the stove.

Anyone who thinks there is something better to do on 19th, forget it. This is the one to go to.

Wild horses wouldn't stop me ... etc etc

Hobe you're gedding bedder El G.