The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67799   Message #1138301
Posted By: Lighter
16-Mar-04 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tarred and feathered
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tarred and feathered
Probably the most celebrated instance of tarring & feathering in American literature happens in Nathaniel Hawthorn's story "My Kinsman, Major Molineaux." A young guy from the country shows up in 18th C. Boston to visit the Governor, a relative of his. He's pretty proud of himself since everyone he meets nods knowingly when he drops Molineaux's name. Molineaux will be his ticket to social and financial success.

Imagine the lad's dislilusionment when these very same citizens tar and feather Molineaux and run him out of town at the end of the story for being a bad, bad, bad governor.

In the words of Joseph Conrad, "Ah, youth!"