The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616   Message #1138458
Posted By: Blackcatter
16-Mar-04 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle
Hey Foolestroupe,

You're basically right, but the process of using hot water is meant to melt the glue - the glue is basically that kind of "hot melt glue" that craftpeople use in the little glue guns. Reheating it melts it and makes it easy to remove.

Usually the potential problem is that the water is too hot and may melt parts of the plastic mouthpiece (such as the thin edge that actually makes the sound). This may ruin the sound of the whistle.

It's also possible to return wistles that are considered out of tune. I have done this with Generations, which have a reputation for being hit or miss in quality. But I play Generations for two reasons - the good ones are wonderful, and they are about the only inexpensive brand to make a whole bunch of different keys. You can get a set of 6 different keys for around $25. I had to return 2, but got back good ones the first time.