The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67616   Message #1139060
Posted By: Vixen
17-Mar-04 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Tuning an Irish whistle
Subject: RE: Tuning an Irish whistle

What's that about turning the mouthpiece upside down when playing outdoors???? Please tell me more! It seems like a logical idea, placing the blade and window in a more sheltered location by your chin, but doesn't it change the embouchure, tonguing, and breath flow? And it must "feel" strange...

Reynaud and I play outdoors (weddings, ren fairs, etc.) and I have all but given up on the pw and recorder when it's breezy, because sometimes I get note when I blow, and sometimes it's the the right one (though usually not) but mostly I get sudden silences and odd shrill and swooping notes. (I don't think it's my playing, because I don't have these problems indoors, or when the air is calm!)

I'm at work now, without a whistle to try it out on, and now I can't wait to get home and see if this really works...