The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1139220
Posted By: Wolfgang
17-Mar-04 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
It is a pleasure for me too, Amos. Just one last bit about changing the goalposts:

Look up, if you can still find it, the research series conducted at SRI involving Ingo Swann in tele-perception and tele-kinetic effects. Woth digging in to. ... Strong evidence for exterior perception, etc.

...not rely on material variables which aren't germane. That's the problem with our testing history, largely -- for example, Rhine's statistical analyses using guesses about card symbols. The framework is wrong for the kind of subject you are trying to test.

The Targ/Puthoff (and other) experiments with Swann (bye the way, his picture and bio are on this usefull page; scroll down the alphabet to S) are firmly in the Rhine tradition: counting successes and reporting more than chance level.

Have it the way of the first quote, then I'm game. That's my usual trained way of thinking and discussing.

Have it the way of the second quote, then we can part friendly after a few words. That's outside of my thinking.

However, if you take the second route, you shouldn't even mention the experiments with Ingo Swann for they then mean nothing one way or the other.
