The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1139657
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Mar-04 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
"Creator's" comments to Wolfgang and Amos are entirely apt, but they are impenetrable to the human ego, because it does not love. It seeks to survive and to win. It is proud, insecure, competitive, and terrified. It wouldn't know love if it drowned in it.

I might add that I do not know who posted as "Creator", but he/she is right on the mark. Nice work.

No one will get it who is bent on "winning" the debate. And it really doesn't matter. Not a fig. Nor is it ANY threat to science, because it is not in opposition to science. The scientific method is so elegantly obvious in its logicality and application that any reasonably intelligent child should be able to grasp it. The same cannnot be said of spiritual insight...or indeed, any form of insight. Very few adults master such things or even spend much time thinking about them. But most adults can plainly comprehend science, unless they're in the grip of some religious or cultural dementia. Science is for primary school level minds with a taste for the details. A poet looks at a flower and sees a metaphor for life itself, for beauty, for fragility, for mortality, etc. A scientists looks at a flower and sees photosynthesis, cells, pistil, stamen, petals, pollen, and a billion other little technical aspects of the physical plant and its function in the environment. He is searching for how many angels he can find on the head of that particular "pin". (don't take me literally, Wolfgang) The poet is wiser.

I offer a quote from Bob Dylan:

"I stood unwound beneath the skies
And clouds unbound by laws.
The cryin' rain like a trumpet sang
And asked for no applause.
Lay down your weary tune, lay down,
Lay down the song you strum,
And rest yourself 'neath the strength of strings
No voice can hope to hum."

- LH