The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67995   Message #1139942
Posted By: greg stephens
18-Mar-04 - 09:00 AM
Thread Name: 'Hang down your head and die'(Theatre show)
Subject: RE: 'Hang down your head and die'(Theatre sh
hello, Mike. Well you got me the job in the show in the first place, by offloading the job of coming up with a list of capital punishment related material on to me. I fancy you might have sung something on to a tape for that purpose, though memory is a little hazy! Was Sam Hall in your repertoire then, or was it one of mine? In either case, it was sung at the reunion party with great gusto by Sir Robert Scott, mastermind of the Commonwealth Games bid for Manchester, and the City of Culture for Liverpool, and father of thwe Royal Exchange Theatre. Plain Bob Scott back in 64.
    Well that's great, Mudcat has thrown up one person who's heard of the show. Any more for any more?