The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68012   Message #1140306
Posted By: Backstage Manager(inactive)
18-Mar-04 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: Guilty Pleasures - Rock and Roll
Subject: RE: Guilty Pleasures - Rock and Roll
Paul - Isn't Stephen Bruton with that group ? Bruton is from Ft Worth - a great guitar and mandolin player - he's played with Bonnie Raitt and produced Geoff Muldaur's newest CD.

Stephen Bruton did play guitar on a few selected tracks from two Geoff Muldaur CDs: The Secret Handshake from 1998 and Password from 2000. However, both of those CDs were produced by Geoffry himself.

Geoff has since done two more CDs, Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, a live album released lasy year, and Private Astronomy: A Vision of the Music of Bix Beiderbecke, also released last year. Bruton has no credits on either of those. Private Astronomy was produced by Dick Connette of Last Forever.

Bruton did produce several of Chris Smither's CDs. However, Chris worked with David Goodrich on Train Home, his latest.