The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67995   Message #1140657
Posted By: greg stephens
19-Mar-04 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: 'Hang down your head and die'(Theatre show)
Subject: RE: 'Hang down your head and die'(Theatre sh
Alanabit: I dont believe there is anything obviously accessible written about this is mentioned in various theatrical and cultural histories. Search under "hang down your head and die" and you will be led to various theatrical cv's, notably background stuff on Michael Palin and Terry Jones of Python fame, who appeared in, and wrote for, this show as I did. Alas, the BBC, as was its habit in those days, threw away the only film that exists of the show...what a treat it would be for Monty Python fans(and for me!) if a copy turned up.
    It was a good example of what Henry Ayrton in a broadcast a while ago called the parallel worlds of folk. One world, obviously, being the FRoots/Sidmouth/Celtic Connections/BBC folk awards type thing. But there are few links between that world and others, like the 60's folkies(such as myself) who went into experimental theatre. And many other folk activities that exist around the country, but dont impinge on the "Folk Scene".
Basically, you wont read about me and Terry Jones singing folk songs together, so it doesnt exist. But I think it's actually just as interesting as some other aspects of folk in the country. The other day, for example, I was singing with Sir Robert Scott, who organised the failed Olympic bid for Manchester, then the successful Commonwealth Games, then went on to win the City of Culture thing for Liverpool. I have been involved with regeneration culture at a musical level in the north-west since the early days with Bob Scott, but you wont see anything about this in folk mags.
That's what Henry Ayrton was talking about, folk penetrated all sorts of aspects of culture, but if it's not "Folk Scene" orientated it doesnt exist. Strange.