The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13698   Message #114103
Posted By: katlaughing
14-Sep-99 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Sept 14th)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Sept 14th)
I agree, Peter. I've never asked my kids, because they were in chorus and orchestra, briefly, but I now wonder if they were just a bit intimidated about making music because my brother lived with us during those crucial years and he and I were so busy promoting his music and concertising. He is a brilliant pianist and has a very consuming personality. My children and I did sing together and they all love music, so I guess it didn't put them off totally.

My sister's kids all played instruments and sang, but none of them do much of making music now except to sing with the radio, etc. She and I have talked about this and decided the reason we all became so musical, is because both our parents made performing and listening to music so much a part of their and our lives. We really were that family who gathered round the piano on Satuday nights to make tv until I was about 9 years old. Actually, I would wish that on any newborn, no tv until at least 9 years old. I gave away a brand new tv when my youngest was born; didn't have one, again, until she was 3, and that was only because Roger had to be able to look at the signal of the station he was engineer for. I'd put that "Kill Your Television" bumper sticker on my car, except that tv is what pays our rent, still,'s a dilemma.
