The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67762   Message #1141365
Posted By: GUEST,raindropsonroses
19-Mar-04 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Subject: RE: BS: What I like about Mudcat Cafe
Bobert - handsome, wry, cool, and SOOO left of any crap

katlaughing - free, wild & funny, smart and crazy

mcgrath - smart, smart, smart & self disciplined

Little Hawk - that mind goes out into the universe and back

sueb - blunt, concise, witty

leadinger - kind, smart, out there, practical

ellenpoly - open, warm, not stuck in a mental rut, moving and growing

micca - your way with words is magic, as are your eyebrows

cindy - don't see much of you, but you're a lovely soul

allan c - brave, talking about hard stuff, kind

jennyo - witty, wiccad, and warm

brucie - you're my man, you like cats

nurse ratched - like your style, woman!

...and thanks to all those wonderful elves of music, ghandarvas and goblins of gook, who lurk, leap, and lunge through the digitrad, piling on each day more knowledge of the delights of GHOSH!!!

and giok - put a bloody photo up man - you're so funny, i want to know who i'm laughing at!
