The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13698   Message #114154
Posted By: Neil Lowe
14-Sep-99 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Sept 14th)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Sept 14th)
....kat, the strangest looks I have ever received in my life have come from people who've just been told that I don't own a TV. They assume you are so poor you can't afford one, so they're going to be charitable. "Well, hell," they say, "I've got an old one up in the attic I'll give you." (Is this a great country or what? Land of free TV sets). Then tell them "thanks, but no thanks" on the offer of a free TV set and they will look at you like you're from another planet and tell their kids to stay away from you as they flee in terror. Seriously.

I lived without one for years when I first got married. The old one blew up and I decided not to replace it. Missed it for about three weeks, then found other more productive things to do. Also liked the way the house looked without one. They are an ugly piece of furniture and a TV by nature occupies the most central point in a room as the other pieces of furniture are arranged to optimize viewing area. It ruins decor and symmetry, my opinion.

Sorry about the thread creep. I could go on and on about what I think of TV; maybe I'll start my own thread on this.

Regards, Neil (who sees an electronic eye under every bed; and the promise of a TV in every pot)