The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67420   Message #1141563
Posted By: GUEST,Ian
20-Mar-04 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: Celtic Music Dave Bulmer (5)
Subject: RE: Celtic Music Dave Bulmer (5)
Seem to be a umber of Bulmer excusists around these days. Although the threads bega with the rips, the debate has matured to expose DB and his companies for what they are. I understand that almost without exception Bulmer has managed to damage nearly evryone he comes in to contact with, whether it be in the field of folk music, record distribution, record pressing etc. Very few people seem to speak particularly well of him but is it any wonder? At the first sniff of dissent (ie demands for royalties etc) Bulmer commences legal action. Distributors have been ripped off and there is at least one case ongoing where a distributor has not been paid. He really is not the nice guy some now hope to paint him. Dont believe me? Make contact with some of his former business partners most of whom have been ruined by his actions. In the knowledge of what he means, anyone now dealing with him deserves what they will undoubtedly get.