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Thread #67969   Message #1141740
Posted By: Frankham
20-Mar-04 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: GB and the Rise of Christian Fascism..
Subject: RE: BS: GB and the Rise of Christian Fascism..
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism -

I don't think that communism applies as there was a lack of interest
in Soviet style communism. Socialism is too scattered. It has to be continually redefined. Empire however requires the consent of the people.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - You may be right

Guantanamo. Slavery. Suppressing women's rights and the defeat of

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause -

It was "communisim" in the fifties. Now it's "terrorism". It often is a nebulous enemy posing embracing all those who don't agree with the status quo.

4. Supremacy of the Military -

Juntas and occupying forces. Military solutions in lieu of diplomacy.
Example: Bush in Iraq.

5. Rampant Sexism

If a man becomes inconsistent, he is given a pass. If a woman does it, she catches hell. Compare Martha Stewart to Tom Lay. Pillory Hillary is the banner of a Right-wing takeover. Actually, Hillary doesn't deserve the vitriol she gets from white males of the Bush persuasion.

6. Controlled Mass Media

Corporations own the media. Rupert Murdoch, Clear Channels, Faux News, white-washing network reports, pundits and demagogues like Sean Hannity, Limbaugh and other hate-radio talk show hosts,......even the pollution of NPR with banal programming and resisting controversial subjects...NPR and PBS controlled by commercials such as Archer Daniel Midlands (agribusiness) and trust funds.

7. Obsession with National Security -

The Bush Administration is obessed with it. The American people may
have more sense. Guantanamo. Ashcroft. It's a potential hazard.

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - "Is religion a requirement for holding office in the US today?"

For important offices, yes. There are no atheist presidents.

"Have members of certain religions been disenfranchised or lost their property rights?"

It depends upon what you consider a religion. There are many cults that have been penalized and lost property rights.

The Separation of Church and State is being eroded. This is part of the Bush modus operandi.

9. Corporate Power is Protected -

It depends on how powerful that power is. Here hegemony can become
Empire can become totalitarian.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed -

The only reason labor power is suppressed is because of political interests. Corporate interests are increasingly suppressing labor
and much of the established unions are no longer protecting the "rank and file".

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts -

The majority of the American public has been dumbed down. It's important for some in power to see that this happens because then
they can control the public. One way to do this is to destroy public education and make it only accessible to the wealthy.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - "Has the US's interest in law and order changed that much in the last 30 years?"

Yes. A good example of this is what happened in Florida when Jeb sent in his storm troopers to beat the WTO protestors. It has become more pronounced in recent years.

3. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption -

Facism is a wave. It grows and recedes through the history of every country. It's a tendency as well as a political system. A definition of facism has to be agreed upon of course. I believe that there are facist tendencies in governments and when they take over,
then a facist state exists. But being vigilant about this tendency
is as a tumor eats at a body. It can be milignant or benign.

14. Fraudulent Elections -

Again, it's a facist tendency to use gangsterism in stealing elections. This is being done today in Haiti. In 2000, the RNC recruited people to act as protestors to the recounting of votes in
Florida. These were not the "people" but hired thugs.

America is not facist yet but there are tendencies that every American should be vigilant in observing. There are American facists.
To white-wash them as being "usual" or "part of the system" is
naive and dishonest.
They are not part of the ideals of America.