The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67969   Message #1141806
Posted By: Strick
20-Mar-04 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: GB and the Rise of Christian Fascism..
Subject: RE: BS: GB and the Rise of Christian Fascism..
Problem is ya'll respond faster than I can ('cause I'm long winded).

Carol you know we'll continue to disagree. If I see evidence of what you say moving beyond the fantasy stage, I'll be with you. I just like harder evidence than what I've seen. Do you really doubt what I say?

"One of the major driving reasons for so many feeling more than just disagreement and dissatisfaction with the current administration is the not-quite-explict but not-totally-hidden ,motivation for some of these decisions and attitudes that we express worry over. If Bush IS driven by some of the more extreme aspects of Christian fundamentalism, and if he IS injecting personal motives such as "finishing Daddys work", and if he IS as personally ignorant (as opposed to Bill Clinton, who WAS aware) of the details of the issues as it appears, and is being fed a lot of his data by Karl Rove and others...then we had ALL better worry, whether we can 'prove' anything or not!"

Bill, I respect this. All I can offer is that those of us who understand the difference between mainline Christianity and fundamentalism (and don't have a political bone to pick like the author of the first article, a member of a group called "The Left Most On the Left Coast" in my denomination) realize that Bush isn't a fundamentalist. Please don't confuse all Christians with fundamentalists, or even assume all fundmentalists are like the ones being demonized here. Beyond that, I'm not arguing you should vote for or against anyone, just don't call the Right and a good chunk of the Middle Fascists or suggest seriously that they're acting like Fascists. It's not true and it's hardly the way to bring others to your way of thinking.