The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67995   Message #1141868
Posted By: The Stage Manager
20-Mar-04 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: 'Hang down your head and die'(Theatre show)
Subject: RE: 'Hang down your head and die'(Theatre sh

You've got me seriously intrigued here. I knew Bob Scott from the time he was managing The Palace and The Opera House in Manchester. Frankly Bob is (was) one of the few theatre managers I had any time for after the demise of the Old Moss Empires and Howard and Wyndham's theatre chains, but that's another story.

Sorry, your show was just a bit before my time, but you raise an interesting point. I won't go into details but it's an extraordinary moment and feeling, when someone says to you "If it hadn't been for that show I wouldn't be here now....It changed my life." I'm only glad that art still has the power to shake people to the very essence of their being.

Forgive me, but I'm not going to let you get away with "

Henry Ayrton in a broadcast a while ago called the parallel worlds of folk. One world, obviously, being the FRoots/Sidmouth/Celtic Connections/BBC folk awards type thing. But there are few links between that world and others, like the 60's folkies(such as myself) who went into experimental theatre. And many other folk activities that exist around the country, but dont impinge on the "Folk Scene"."

without a little more elaboration.

I've not heard anyone come out with this sort of thing for a very, very long time, and frankly it was precisely because of the "FRoots/Sidmouth/Celtic Connections/BBC folk awards type thing." that I got seriously pissed off with the "Folk Scene" in the first place.

So what are these "folk activities that exist around the country, but don't impinge on the "Folk Scene"."?

Let's start with where I get to hear you playing guitar these days. Sounds like it might be the sort of experience that would interest me....