The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67306   Message #1142123
Posted By: GUEST
21-Mar-04 - 01:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Just saw Mel's film...
Subject: RE: BS: Just saw Mel's film...
All of you who have posted negative comments about Mel Gibson need to read his interview in the March 2004 issue of Reader's Digest. In the interview, he explains why he made the film and why it was so violent.

As for the comments on the film being anti-semetic and who was responsible for the death of Jesus: Every human being who has ever lived long enough to commit the slightest sin is responsible. He suffered to show us that he was willing to take any punishment to save us from our sinful ways. He was willing to die for us and His blood is on the hands of all of us.

The Jewish religion is based on the Old Testament. The Jews of Jesus's time believed that a savior would come and build a kingdom in Jerusalem and, since Jesus led a humble life, they did not believe that he was the savior who was prophesised. Jesus did convert some of them but the majority still did not believe that He was the Messiah. Therefore, it was necessary for Mel Gibson to portray them as calling for the crusifixion.

As for the man who was chosen to portray Jesus, James Caviezel looks very much like the pictures of Jesus that are hanging in the homes of many people. Remember, Jesus was the son of God and, just maybe, God has a tiny nose.