The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68025   Message #1142257
Posted By: GUEST
21-Mar-04 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
Someone else who reads the San Francisco Chronicle "for the articles"! YES!

As a lifelong newspaper junkie, the advent of online newspapers has only exacerbated my addiction. There are the usual suspects for news: Washington Post and NY Times for political coverage from the conservative and liberal perspectives respectively (BTW, the NY Times has become much more conservative since the Clinton days as well, IMO). My local provincial newspapers for local news. SF Chronicle, as I mentioned and also the LA Times on occassion. I read online news sites Common Dreams and AlterNet several times a week too, along with Reuters, Editor and Publisher, and Christian Science Monitor. For Euro News, I read the Beeb online, the Guardian, and occasionally the Irish Times or Indpendendent, and Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Then there are the periodicals like Tikkun, Utne, Mother Jones, the Nation, World Press Review, and an occassional glance at Newsweek, Time, US News & World Report or the New Yorker. I occassionally read Business Week, almost always read PC World, and a number of other periodicals the library carries.

Don't read many books nowadays, but I do read a lot of news and opinion.