The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1142376
Posted By: kendall
21-Mar-04 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
The thought just crossed my mind, "No amount of belief can create a fact" and suddenly, there was a huge clap of thunder! no kidding!

Anyway, I'm always amazed and pleased to see such intelliget posts on the forum. However, Doug, old buddy, I know many left wing types, but I don't know one who has ever said that taking out Hussein was a bad thing. Our problem with the "war" is our leader lying about the reason. He planned this from the very beginning, and I'm hoping that 60 Minutes tonight will tell the whole truth about it.

Freda, I once had an out of body experience. While meditating, I found myself out in the cosmos, free and able to go anywhere in the universe. Suddenly, I thought, "This is not possible" and just as suddenly, I was back in my body.