The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13671   Message #114365
Posted By: Philippa
15-Sep-99 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Nottamun Town
Subject: RE: Info request - Nottamun Town
we're getting into the realm of nonsense songs in general, though I don't know how much this helps us deal with Nottamun town. The nonsense song that comes to my mind at present is "I'm here because I'm here" with verses such as
Never throw a brick at a drowning man
If you're close to a grocery store.
Just throw him a bar of Sunlight Soap
And he can wah himself ashore-i-ah
He can wash hinself ashore

I understand that song better than I do Nottamun town; the humour is quite clearly in the wordplay, the puns. And it doesn't have the haunting melody of Nottamun town - Bob Dylan choose well.

By the way, though I was curt with Guinan above; I did e-mail the interloper with suggestions on looking at the Wexford 1798 examples in the DT and at a songs of 1798 website, as well as a reminder of the usual protocol re starting new threads. I'd prefer this thread not to go too far off the tangent.