The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68129   Message #1143827
Posted By: breezy
23-Mar-04 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: A national anthem for England
Subject: RE: A national anthem for England
we should hear some of the other countries anthems and count ourselves lucky.

Only jealous of Wales are the English.

England is spoilt for choice, the English dont really sing as a nation anyway.Just listen to the rugby crowds, sweet bloody chariots, its embarrassing to be English . I blame the demise of songs being part of our musical education in schools.

In my days I remember the music teacher belting out songs on the piano and singing away that you had to sing up to be heard, but why was it always me, the outsider, and all the other little buggers sittin there mumblin'

The English do not sing, they could if they tried but its not in their culture.

Cheerio I'm off, like the preverbial clappers.

eastenders, archers haha haha ha listen to that loads o codsballs