The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68137   Message #1143946
Posted By: open mike
23-Mar-04 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: A Very Special Shawl
Subject: RE: A Very Special MMario Shawl
this is such a great idea....
and it brings to mind many images
from songs about being wrapped in
a sweater or cloak or shawl:

from Laurie Lewis' "Old Friends"
"Like a cloak against the cold,
I wrap myself in friendship's fold,
..Old Friend, like warp and woof entwine,
each crossing defining the design,
though in places frayed and worn,
the fabric remains untorn"

aned Connie Kaldor's "Someday"
.."Someday, someday, everything will be alright,
Someday, someday, someday but not tonight,
For tonight you'll wrap that pain around you
like a tattered sweater...."

It will be wonderful to feel apart of a big group
hug for Heather, and to be with her and bring a
ray of hope knowing there are so many who care.

Thank you Susan and Leo for offering this gift!
I would like to help in any way I can. Would it
be helpful to encourage as many people as possible
to purchase the recent c.d.? And can someone post
a reminder as to how and where to do this? thanks.