The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68149   Message #1144552
Posted By: Kaleea
24-Mar-04 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
Subject: RE: Senator Paul Wellstone's death
I was very sad when Sen. Wellstone & wife died. I voted for him yrs back when I was up in Minnesota in the election that was one of the strangest in years. He was sometimes referred to in the press as the "Little Professor Who Could." He was a good & honest man, endorsed by educators, "green"folks, AIM (American Indian Movement), big & little folks, & after being in office for a little while, many die-hard republicans. When he first went to D.C., he was threatened by his fellows--even the Dems--that they would get rid of him/he'd never be reelected/etc.--that's when many folks realized that he had to be a really good man for them to be that intimidated.