The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68096   Message #1144871
Posted By: DougR
24-Mar-04 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: 60 Minutes tonight (21-Mar-04)
Subject: RE: 60 Minutes tonight (21-Mar-04)
Kendall: there will be debates, but we don't need eight months of debates. Bush would be stupid (and even I would think so)to enter into monthly debates with his opponent prior to the election. Bush has real identity with the voters, Kerry has to gain that. Why should Bush give Kerry the exposure he needs so many months prior to the election?

I haven't read Clarke's book so I won't comment on its content other than having seen the 60 Minutes interview. To me, he came across as a whiner who "didn't get his way" when he wanted it. It will be interesting to watch his testimony this afternoon before the 9/11 Commission.

Don: Bush may have said, as you quote, "Find it" when commanding Clarke to find evidence that Iraq was connected to 9/11, but I don't recall Clarke saying that on 60 Minutes. Perhaps he says something in the book he did not say on television.

